One of the main things we work with families is creating an age-appropriate schedule; one created around the baby's sleep needs and the family dynamics. And, if you are not ready for a sleep training, you can start with just adjusting your baby's schedule, sometimes this change can have a huge impact on your little one's sleep.
Have in mind that every baby is different, so your schedule might vary and it is ok, always read your baby's sleepy cues and own needs.
At this age, babies need an average of 11 hours of sleep at night (uninterrupted) and 3.5 hours of daytime sleep.
* if they wake up for a feeding for an hour, they might need more than 11 hours then.
Please make sure to read the notes below to fully understand how to adapt this sample schedule to your little one.

Wake up
An acceptable and normal wake up time for your baby should go from 6:00 am to 7:30 am. To help him distinguish between nighttime and daytime awakenings, be bold, enter the room, open la blinds, turn on the light and say "Good Morning".
Always follow your pediatrician's advice for feeding. Nurse or bottle-fed when he wakes up, and if you are already giving him solids, this is a perfect time to sit and enjoy breakfast together.
First nap (Morning nap)
This nap should start after 1 hour and a half to 2 hours after your baby wakes up. Remember to do some transition time or a small nap routine (5 minutes); if you want him asleep by 9:00 am, then go to his room at 8:45 am to prepare him.
Nap duration: 1.5 to 2 hours
Awake time
After waking up from the morning nap, your baby can be awake for 2 to 3 hours; he will be in a good mood (if he had a good nap), use this awake time to play or do fun activities. You can also use this time for lunch, remember to follow your pediatrician's advice on feedings.
Second nap (Afternoon nap)
This nap should start 3 hours after waking up from the morning nap. Remember the transition time, if you want him asleep by 12:00 pm, go to this room at 11:45 am, change his diaper, turn off the lights, etc. Most of the time, babies want a snack (nursing or bottle) when they wake up.
Nap duration: 1.5 to 2 hours
Third nap (Optional late afternoon nap)
This nap is not that "optional", they can start dropping it at around 8 or 9 months; this nap helps them to not get overtired by bedtime. This nap can happen 2 to 3 hours after your baby wakes up from the afternoon nap, just make sure he is awake before 5:00 pm or 5:30 pm. He needs to be awake at least 2 hours before going to bed.
Nap duration: 45 minutes to 1 hour.
Babies get hungry earlier than us, it's ok for them to have an early dinner. If you are already giving solids, dinner can be between 5:00 and 6:00 pm.
Bedtime routine
Start from 30 minutes to 1 hour before the time you want him sleeping, depending on the time you need. Remember they need wind-down time, make sure to include this time in their routine.
A good bedtime routine for a baby in this age range might include:
Relaxing bath
A soothing massage while putting Pjs on
Bottle or nursing
Reading a book and some cuddling
Putting him in his crib
Say a prayer
Good night kisses and
Lights out!
If you want your baby asleep by a certain time, remember to give him time to fall asleep. Average, a baby can take up to 20 minutes to fall asleep. Make sure you take this into consideration when starting your bedtime routine.
Create your own schedule, you can download and print the page below and create your own schedule. Remember the starting point is the time your baby regularly wakes up.
