I´m Veronica
I´m a Certified Gentle Sleep Coach, psychologist, and mom of my 3 year old, Renata. I decided to start LullaBy Veronica after I noticed all the positive changes in Renata when she started sleeping better. Her “terrible twos” were still terrible, but at least she was well-rested and so was I.
I tried everything friends and family recommended and what I read online (google it’s always a good idea, right?). Lettuce baths, essential oils, all kinds of baby music, holding her, rocking her, lying down with her, standing up, sitting down… EVERYTHING.
After I found a method that I could relate to, we started the training. The process was not easy, and I didn’t see a change from day one, we tried, we had patience, tried some more, and had more patience. In the end, it was about finding the perfect mix for Renata, considering her needs and preferences, and what we as parents felt comfortable.

I got my Gentle Sleep Coaching Certification from The Sleep Lady, Kim West. I loved working with her and her amazing team.
I'm also a provider for Maven Clinic, which has led me to work with more than 100 families dealing with going back to work and struggling with their baby's sleep.

Working together...
While we are working together, the most important thing for me is listening to you as a parent, what do you want to achieve and how do you want to do it? There is no magic answer, each baby and family is unique.
I also like to keep in mind that we are teaching a new skill, and we might make mistakes, get frustrated, and lose our patience. That’s why consistency and commitment from the parents are essential for success. And I´ll be there by your side reminding you why you are doing this.

What I LOVE about my job...
I love watching parents become their best version! They often tell me that it's not only their baby that is well rested and in a better mood but also they feel great!
Parents not only feel well rested, but they also feel motivated and confident; because after a sleep coaching session or course, they know more about their little ones, have a better understanding of their needs, and with more tools to help them.
​The method I use is flexible, which means we can make changes along the way if at some point parents don't feel comfortable with it.
Working together...
While we are working together, the most important thing for me is listening to you as a parent, what do you want to achieve and how do you want to do it? There is no magic answer, each baby and family is unique.
I also like to keep in mind that we are teaching a new skill, and we might make mistakes, get frustrated, and lose our patience. That’s why consistency and commitment from the parents are essential for success. And I´ll be there by your side reminding you why you are doing this.

What I LOVE about my job...
I love watching parents become their best version! They often tell me that it's not only their baby that is well rested and in a better mood but also they feel great!
Parents not only feel well rested, but they also feel motivated and confident; because after a sleep coaching session or course, they know more about their little ones, have a better understanding of their needs, and with more tools to help them.
​The method I use is flexible, which means we can make changes along the way if at some point parents don't feel comfortable with it.