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Is It Okay if My Baby Skips Night Feedings?

Middle of the night feedings

As a mom, I clearly remember the first time my baby skipped a night feeding. It was supposed to be a milestone, a sign that we were moving closer to uninterrupted sleep. But instead of seizing the opportunity to catch up on rest, I found myself wide awake, anxiously checking on him every few minutes. 😅

This experience is common among new parents. The idea of skipping a feeding can be both exciting and nerve-wracking.

The short answer to the question: YES

It’s important to remember that whether or not your baby should skip night feedings depends on several factors, including their age and your pediatrician's advice.

Understanding Night Feedings

Night feedings are a natural part of your baby’s early development. Newborns, especially, need to eat frequently because their tiny stomachs can’t hold much food, and they’re still learning to regulate their hunger and sleep patterns. However, as babies grow and start consuming more calories during the day, their need for night feedings often decreases.

This transition can vary widely from baby to baby. Some babies may start to naturally drop night feedings as early as 4 to 6 months, while others may take a bit longer. The key here is to observe your baby's cues and consult with your pediatrician to ensure they're getting enough nutrition during the day to support healthy growth.

The Role of Habit and Self-Soothing

It’s important to note that just because your baby skips a night feeding doesn’t mean they’ll stop waking up in the middle of the night altogether. Often, night waking can be more about habit and the need for comfort rather than hunger.

Babies who have become accustomed to feeding to fall asleep may continue to wake up simply out of routine or because they haven’t yet learned to self-soothe.

This is where sleep training and creating a consistent bedtime routine can be incredibly helpful.

By teaching your baby to fall asleep independently, you can help them break the nursing-to-sleep association and encourage longer stretches of uninterrupted sleep.

What Should You Do If Your Baby Skips a Night Feeding?

If your baby starts skipping night feedings on their own and your pediatrician has given the green light, you can feel confident that it’s okay to let them sleep. More sleep for your baby often means more sleep for you, which can be a game-changer for your overall well-being. 😌

However, if your baby is still waking up out of habit and you're struggling to break the cycle, it might be time to consider a plan to help them transition to independent sleep. This could involve gradually reducing the amount of milk or formula during night feedings, offering comfort in other ways, or implementing sleep training techniques that align with your parenting style.

Ready to Break the Nursing-to-Sleep Association?

If you're ready to help your baby sleep through the night without relying on feedings, I’m here to help! We can work together to create a personalized plan that fits your baby’s needs and your parenting approach. Let's give your baby the chance to develop healthy sleep habits and allow you both to enjoy more restful nights.

Nighlight for middle of the night feedings

Before I go, I want to recommend my favorite middle-of-the-night feeding tool: a one-touch nightlight! It's really important to keep these wake-ups short and not too stimulating. A nightlight can be great because you can easily move it around (it’s especially helpful when changing a diaper), and it’s well-designed. Find it here!

Are you interested in learning more? Schedule your FREE CALL today HERE and let's start your journey to better sleep. 💬


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